Submit to Journal of Elite Sport Performance
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Authorship Guidelines

The Journal of Elite Sport Performance adheres to the criteria for authorship as outlined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.  The ICMJE provides guidelines and uniform requirements for all manuscripts that are submitted to biomedical or medical science journals.  Each named author on the submitted manuscript should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content.  Any credit of authorship should be based only on substantial contributions that include the following:


1. Conception and design of the research, or

2. Analysis and interpretation of data; and
3. Drafting of the article including any all versions and critical revisions important for intellectual content; and
4. Final approval of the accepted manuscript for publication. 


Conditions outlined in points 1-4 must all be met by each named author. Any named author who does not meet the above criteria should instead be listed in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript (see manuscript guidelines).


Conflict of Interest

Where applicable, publications in the Journal of Elite Sport Performance require authors to identify potential conflicts of interest in the areas of institutional, financial, and/or personal relationships that might inappropriately influence their actions or statements of the research presented in the manuscript.  All authors must have disclosed any potential conflicts of interest to the study participants prior to study commencement and if so, this must be stated clearly in the manuscript.  In summary, financial relationships that could form a potential conflict of interest may include; honoraria, employment, consultancy, and/or any other types of payments.  Personal conflicts of interest can relate to; intellectual passion, personal relationships, and/or competition in academic or sporting remit.  


All authors must complete a Conflict of Interest Form and submit this at the time of initial manuscript submission. 


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