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Corrections and Retraction Policies


Corrections to published work

The integrity of the scientific records published via our articles in the Journal of Elite Sport Performance  is extremely important. Therefore any minor corrections that do not affect the scientific understanding of the paper may be rejected if submitted post-publication in order to prevent discrepancies thereafter.  Depending on the stage of publication of the submitted / accepted article the correction may or may not be accepted, however a correction notice is required as soon as the error has been identified.  Publication of a correction when they are detected is required to maintain our honest and open policy, errors are a part of science and publishing.  If you (as an author) detect an error in a published article in the Journal of Elite Sports Performance, we expect you to inform the journal’s Editor immediately, and any corrections are made at the journal’s discretion by approval of the Editor in Chief.


Publication stages include:


ONLINE FIRST (or 'published ahead of full Open Access') this is usually access to the Abstract only. At this stage if any errors are identified they can be easily rectified. Journal of Elite Sport Performance is able to provide an updated version which corrects the error and clearly notes the changes made and date at the end of the article. 


PUBLICATION IN AN ISSUE If the article has already appeared in a volume + issue, a correction notice will be made available on the Journal of Elite Sport Performance Website in the next available online issue.  The Journal of Elite Sport Performance only publishes online.



There are no embargo periods. 



In cases of evidence of unreliable data, findings, duplicate publication or plagiarism and / or unethical research, retractions are considered and enforced by Journal of Elite Sport Performance editors. The Journal of Elite Sport Performance editors will produce an expression of concern notice to the corresponding author if an article is under investigation for any of the above concerns. Within the retraction notice, reasons for why the article was retracted are explained. 




Data Protection Policy

Please refer to our Privacy Policy on how we process personal data and rights in relation to the personal data we hold. The data controller of your personal data abides by the applicable data protection laws in England and Wales, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).  


Please contact us if you have questions about these rights or how your personal data is being used by us. You can also refer to our cookies policy to find out what cookies we use and why. How we use any personal data depends on the services you use via our website. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details. 




Data Sharing

If you wish to share your full data set with your article which underpins your results you may do so. This is optional, however brings with it many benefits, such as positive collaboration, reuse of data and reduces research waste.  We believe in greater research transparency and therefore by independently allowing results to be verified promotes trust in your research and our publication of such work.  This benefits reliable evidenced based research. 


If your funder requires that the data set from the study they are funding is shared then we will support the process of this as supplementary data.  A list of research funders that support data archiving can be found through SHERPA/JULIET links here. 





Any sources of funding should be declared at the end of the manuscripts under the heading 'funding'.  Please refer to our manuscript guidelines for more information.  Funding information must include the role and a description of the sponsors of the study and their involvement in study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data and the writing up of the research. Their role in the decision to submit with a view to publish the findings openly and in line with our Open Access policies must also be made clear. If the funder(s) had no involvement in any of the above then state this also.  


We support the use of the Funder Registry  this service allows authors to easily supply details of their funder name(s) and associated grant number(s) - for more information please refer to Funder Registry website and services.  





What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is an international, not-for-profit organisation created for the benefit of researchers, research organisations, publishers and funders.  An ORCID iD is a unique and persistent digital identifier used to disambiguate researchers from one another. The iD supports authentication across multiple platforms allowing researchers to link their professional activities and publications to their unique record; ensuring their scholarly contributions are properly attributed and permanently showcased.


Many funders and research organisations are actively supporting the use of ORCiD iDs, by embedding them into key workflows to assert connections between every stage of the research life cycle. Accurate information is also vital to indexing, search and discovery, publication tracking, funding and supporting peer review.  The Journal of Elite Sport Performance supports the integration of ORCID iD's for any publication submission. 


If you do not have an ORCID iD we encourage you and your co-authors to register for an account. Registration is free.  During the submission process for Journal of Elite Sport Performance,  you will be asked to provide information on the title page of the manuscript of each authors ORCID iD.  Authors ORCID iD's will be presented on the final online publication of the article with a link made available to the authors ORCID iD page - if you wish to opt out of this process you must inform the editor prior to online publication of the accepted article. 




Participant Consent and Confidentiality

The Journal of Elite Sport Performance policy for participant consent and confidentiality is based on EU data protection law, the English common law of confidentiality and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).  Any manuscript which is submitted to and subsequently accepted by Journal of Elite Sport Performance which contains patient / participant / athlete / subject personal data must comply with Journal of Elite Sport Performance, policy on anonymisation, consent and confidentiality.  For any submission of manuscript to the Journal of Elite Sport Performance which does not comply with such requirement set out in this policy Journal of Elite Sport Performance, reserves the right to refuse publication. 


Journal of Elite Sport Performance Anonymisation policy:

- Anonymisation of Images

- Checking that your article is sufficiently anonymised


Journal of Elite Sport Performance Patient / Participant / Athlete / Subject consent policies:

- Images  

- Deceased 

- Children


Patient / Participant / Athlete / Subject consent form for use of images, description or multimedia:

Where consent is required for an image, description or multimedia file please use this file.  Download the file and complete electronically with an electronic signature only. We are not accepting printed handwritten signatures due to COVID-19 measures in place. The Patient / Participant / Athlete / Subject or next of kin is required to read and sign the form, followed by the corresponding author and should be submitted with your manuscript as supplementary information for Editors only.




Responses to Published Works

Journal of Elite Sport Performance encourages constructive debate, and critique of articles we publish.  Therefore we welcome reader responses, questions and comments to any of our published articles for the promotion of debate and establish the expression of opinion.

All questions / responses to published works must be submitted via the journal’s website or to

Letters relating to or responding to previously published items in the journal will be reviewed by the editor and shown to the authors of the original article, when appropriate. Any irrelevant or correspondence which lacks cogency will not be considered by the editors.  Where appropriate we will then publish responses to published works. 




Scientific Misconduct

Scientific misconduct is dealt with at Journal of Elite Sport Performance case by case while following guidance produced by bodies that include the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).


Please refer to the WAME website for an overview of misconduct which includes definitions for the following behaviours:

  • Falsification of data

  • Plagiarism, redundant and duplicate publication

  • Simultaneous submission

  • Improprieties of authorship

  • Misappropriation of the ideas of others

  • Violation of generally accepted research practices

  • Material failure to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements affecting research

  • Inappropriate behaviour in relation to misconduct

  • Salami slicing (or salami publication).  Please refer to the ICMJE guidance on overlapping publications and best practices. 


Journal of Elite Sport Performance do not consider the deposition of data (see our data sharing policy) or preprints (see our preprint policy) in dedicated repositories to be prior publication.  Submission to Journal of Elite Sport Performance journal implies that the work described/submitted has not been accepted for publication elsewhere, and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.  Submission also implies that no duplication of materials.




Allegations of misconduct

If an editor has concerns that a submitted article describes something that might be considered to constitute misconduct in research, publication or professional behaviour, the case will be discussed in confidence with the Journal of Elite Sport Performance Advisory Board members. Any cases of which cannot be resolved by discussion with the author(s) and the Editorial board may be reported to the appropriate bodies for recommendation. For any readers that suspect misconduct in a published article in the Journal of Elite Sport Performance are encouraged to report this to the Editor.


Journal of Elite Sport Performance follows the guidance by COPE in relation to publication ethics and therefore if the editor suspects or confirms any scientific research misconduct this may also be referred to COPE anonymously.




plagiarism detection

The Journal of Elite Sport Performance uses a plagiarism detection system to check all manuscript submissions before publication. Any evidence of plagiarism will deem the article submission as reject / major revisions and returned to the corresponding author.

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